
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nowadays, Go 'n Figure: "e-l-e-m-e-n-t-a-r-y"

Melanie hates Troy (and she isn't alone) because he calls her "Buck-tooth Betty," "Ugly Wuggly," and pulls up her dress sometimes and makes fun of the patterns on her panties, and just won't stop doing it.

James was staring at Troy because a rubber band just struck James' cheek and, when Troy glared over, James quickly looked away so Troy couldn't see the welt rising.

Cheryl only pretended to concentrate on drawing but she was just doodling circles, knowing Troy sits right behind her, fearful he might tie her hair to the back of her chair, again, which really, really hurt when she arose to go to the restroom, which is why she now pulls her hair forward over her shoulder.

Brent saw Troy shoot James in the cheek, but he's not a tattletale and Troy would probably punch him or spit on him at recess because Troy is the biggest kid in the whole 4th grade.

Two teachers on playground duty saw James trip Troy and stomp on his knee joint, so they hauled James off to the principal's office while a screaming and limping Troy was taken to the nurse.

The next day, the principal got the call he expected from Troy's livid parents, threatening a lawsuit, and the principal was forced to refer James to the school district's child psychologist for evaluation as a 'bully.'

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