
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who's the Enemy, Here?

When I raised my right hand to join the United States Army, the oath I swore was this:
I, Joe Gensle, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Support and defend the Constitution...against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Skirting Congress, the sitting President, our Federal Community Organizer as I like to call him, may issue and edict, an "Executive Order" requiring me and you and other citizens to surrender our guns, protected under the Constitution.

In an America of choice, I can choose to follow law or suffer its consequences. In the Federalism we enjoy with rights and freedoms born of our Constitution and its Amendments. I'd rather stand behind our Constitution than follow an Executive Order from an elected official, whether his or her name was Mickey or Minnie Mouse, Ted Nugent or Ted Kennedy or Marco Rubio. You get the picture. That it happens to be "Barack Hussein Obama" just makes me want to scowl before I spit.

My own government ordering me to surrender my last bastion of order, America's very last resort of defense? Could, in a worst case scenario, we have to protect our very selves from governmental tyranny? Is there a molecule of cerebral possibility that it can be cloaked in "Executive Orders?"

This is [sic] seriouser than you know or can imagine.

Washington refuses to act upon the illegal entry into our country, an assault upon our borders. It refuses to address the root cause--mental illness--for mass murderers' unconscionable acts of human destruction.

And now we're teetering on the brink of having to swing golf clubs or baseball bats, or iron skillets to defend our homes and homeland?

I don't think so. And they just plain don't think, those Liberal Washingtonians.

Proof positive:  If there's amnesty for illegals, or "Dream Children" allowances and legislation, what will happen to illegal border crossings? Will they decrease? Or will there be a massive overrun of our borders (and laws) for swarms of people hoping to gain for free what others have died to protect and defend and sustain?

It couldn't get seriouser, for, those who fashioned my oath must have been convinced that the enemy may come from within, be "domestic," against whom  I swore to defend the United States of America.

Don't vote with your weapon.

Let your vote be your voice,  and your voice be your weapon while those freedoms still stand protected and unchanged.


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