
Thursday, December 13, 2012

You (Damn Well) Better Watch Out

His riveting eyes, endearing smile and impassioned talks worked to rally the outcast and downtrodden as he moved among them in urban neigborhoods.

He energized and united the youth with his outpouring of love and finely honed trust-building skills.

His speeches were like a single ribbon uniting all these otherwise unconventional factions, enabling him to roll over his political adversaries and rise to the country's highest calling.

He asked the middle class to trust and get behind him as he forged a restrengthened nation, infusing hope for better daily lives to people starving for the fruits of his efforts-to-be.

You know (or should) that he reeled-in the tail of the automobile industry, even creating a car for the masses (called 'Volkswagen'), and that his name was Adolf Hitler.

And you know the rest, and the adage that tells us "History repeats itself," or should.